The church sermon this morning was about generosity and helping others. That's my mission now. I'm a firm believer that my purpose--the reason for all I've experienced--is to share with others what I've learned about life. Kenny and I were blessed to have so many angels come in and out of our life when we needed them most. They took on their human guises and helped us get through--simply because they cared and because they loved. It's my turn now to repay the many kindnesses we received.
After church, I stopped to gas up the car. It was on empty and I held my breathe that it wouldn't crawl to a stop before getting it to the station! I got there OK, swiped my debit card in the machine, and entered my pin...well actually I
tried to enter my pin. Good Grief! "What is my pin?" I just couldn't remember it. Once again, my mind had gone blank. That sure seems to happen a lot lately. In a flash, I thought, "No problem, I'll call Kenny." Oh boy, there you go... another reminder that he is gone... Out of frustration, I marched up to the booth and said, "Charge it!"

From there I drove to the corner restaurant to get some breakfast. I still don't have any food in my house...I hate going to the grocery store, so I normally put it off as long as I possibly can! And, I eat out more than I should. The hostess seated me smack dab in the middle of that busy, bustling restaurant at a big table that swallowed me up. Now why didn't they just shine a spotlight on me to show, "Yes she is eating alone! Yes she is a lonely widow!" A quick glance around the room confirmed it...I was the only person in that restaurant sitting all by myself.
Well that was enough of my breakfast break...I impulsively decided to wash Kenny's car. It had been grimy long enough! And Ken would never have allowed his shiny new car to get that dirty. So from the restaurant I headed straight to the car wash. No, it's not the kind you drive through, it's the kind you pay to wash the car yourself. And no, I hadn't gone home first to change my clothes. I'm much too impatient for that. Yes, no doubt, I was quite a sight in my short little dress and pink heels scrubbing that big old grubby car. Git'er done!
The whole thing reminded me of the time back in Maryland, when I hitched a ride to work with my friend Shelley
Belle. She has a Honda Goldwing Trike. Shelley walked out of her house to greet me. And she was wearing some big ole black biker boots. She quickly noted that I had on a pair of little tiny, pointy-toed pumps. She laughed and said, "Girl, you can't get on my bike wearing shoes like that!" To which I replied, "Yes I can, it's what I've got and it's what I'm wearin'!" I jumped on the back...and we took off, eventually rolling through the streets of Washington DC. I laughed hysterically all the way to work and boy did we attract some stares. At one point, while stopped at a light, this guy in a truck next to us snapped our photo. As he did, I kicked up my leg alongside Shelley. I wanted to be sure he captured the shoes. We giggled our way through work that day thinking that somewhere on the Internet is a photo of the two of us with an interesting caption that I won't print here. Something like,
Chicks on Trikes. Ha! Use your imagination!