Labor Day weekend was my first holiday without Kenny. It started as a lonely Saturday. Our son Randy was still living at home, but he was working that day at Banana Republic. So, for the first time in my life, I felt completely by myself and empty inside. Everyone around me, the people at work etc. had plans for how they would spend the holiday weekend. My grief began to consume me.
Determined to keep myself out of a rut, I got out of the house into that bright sunny day. My excuse was that I needed new jeans so I drove to the local shopping plaza about a mile away. I parked the car and started down the sidewalk, fighting hard to keep from blubbering. I was just not going to do it that morning! Suddenly I heard a faint crying sound that stopped me dead in my tracks. What was that? My thoughts started whirling..."Oh no, that sounds like a cat! A tiny baby kitty...oh no, I don't want a cat, I don't want a cat!" Sure enough, I followed that tiny meowing and found this little black and white ball of furry fluff shaking while hiding behind a bush. I couldn't believe it. I had never seen such a small kitten in my life. With a lot of work and a lot of commotion and five people helping, I finally captured that little wild thing and took him home. And that was God's plan.
At first I called him Baby Darling because instantly, he had became the new darling of my life. I got him a bottle and some formula and worked to tame him. I spent the weekend doing just that and in a few days he began to trust me. Finally, I was able to get him cleaned up. I put him right under the running water in my sink, and carefully held him in one hand as I scrubbed him with the other. Over a matter of a few weeks he became less skittish and warmed up to Randy and me. With some gentle convincing by Randy, "I refuse to call him Baby Darling!" I decided the kitten had to have a proper name.... We tossed a few names back and forth until I finally dubbed him Jazz. You see, just before Kenny died he had said to me, "Luce if I make it out of this hospital, I promise life is going to be jazzy from now on." Kenny was never one to break a promise. Yes Ken, life is sure Jazzy now!
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