Friday, October 31, 2008
Moving Slowly Again...
In the mean time...one foot in front of the other...one foot in front of the other!!
OK, I'm running out the door now!!! Got to get to work!!!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
So Much for Having Fun!
Just got a call from my folks, my family is getting together at Noyan's parents for Thanksgiving. They have reserved the clubhouse and everyone will bring a dish. That should make things easy for everyone. Not sure what I will bring...don't have any baking or cooking utensils at my apartment. Hm-m-m, I'll have to think of something creative!!!
In the mean time, it's just me and Jazzy Boy, killin' time and drinking wine!!! Hey...how 'bout that? I can make a rhyme..any old time!!!!
Running Out the Door!!

Here I go again to face the dark and the cold of the morning. Br-r-r-g-gh-h! It's windy and cold here. High's in low 50's today. Don't like this kind of weather, but I'll make the best of it.
By the way, Dan's girlfriend Ara says this photo of me is "sizzling!" Hm-m-m-m-m, interesting...I'll take sizzling any day!!! And that's it...RED and CHEETAH print...that's what I'm wearing from now on!!! It sure makes life for me fun!!!
Have a good one!!!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
It Feels Like Winter!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Back From the Band
I'm now back in the apartment again. Trying to get back to work...but boy I'm having a hard time getting down to business. I'm sure I'm due for a vacation. I could sure use a week on the beach...doing nothing but relaxing. I'm tired again as usual and I'm really tired of always PUSHING myself to keep moving, and moving. I'm in perpetual motion!!! That would make anyone weary!
Oh how funny...just as I'm typing this...I'm hearing the band I just listened to on the radio. So, I suppose they are a popular band. Isn't that funny??!!!
Watching the Marine Corp Marathon!
I searched for my friend David from Phoenix, but couldn't place him in the crowd of runners. But I'm sure he is here somewhere; he runs this marathon every year.
Truly it is amazing!! There are people of every kind, shape and size. They all come running by with their faces fixed in determination. Some of them are locked in a grimace and others have the most peaceful appearance as if they are lost in their thoughts far, far away.
Some even run along holding the hand of a friend...trying to keep them going, encouraging them not to quit. Others stop and rub their calves...others walk a while until they get their strength back. I even saw one guy in a banana costume and another pushing a baby in a stroller. And there is another guy who has no legs and he is doing the race on a skateboard!!! How can that be?
I stood out there for hours and finally had to drag myself away for a while. I decided to go back to the apartment. I just have to get a few things done around here today...even though it's extremely hard with the constant cheering and distraction. I really hate to miss out on all the fun. But,I do want to join again in the festivities once the music and celebration begins. So I've got to put my nose to the grindstone here for a few hours before the party gets going.
And all in all, I do find myself wondering what it is that compels them to do this. I can't imagine ever running a marathon. I just can't...although there's a part of me that would love to do it. Just for the challenge, just to see if I could finish. I suppose that's why they run. That must be it!!
I Missed Most of the Runners...
I am back in my apartment now and will get caught up on a few things. I may metro over to the finish area later. It's over by the Iwo Jima Memorial. That would be the most exciting place to be today. It's amazing the range of people who run in this race each year. Different ages, different capabilities, different handicaps. You've just got to LOVE the human spirit!!!
Marine Corp Marathon
And now this morning the runners are passing by. They are racing by my aprtment and there's cheering and clapping going on!! Oh my! How will I ever get anything done today?? This is way too exciting to sit inside today. That's it!!! I'm grabbing my camera...and I'm out of here!!!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
What a Fun Day Today!!
After lunch, Monica and I did a little shopping. We wanted to check out the new stores and see what they had to offer. By then it was raining like crazy, so we did our best to stay dry by ducking in and out of awning after awning to avoid the downpour. But we still got fairly wet!
We managed to make our way through a few stores and I tried on some clothes here and there. Eventually, we stumbled upon an entertainment store where they sell all kinds of equipment like barbecue grills, pool tables and party paraphernalia, including wine glasses and wine gadgets of all sorts.
Guess what? They were having a wine tasting and invited us to join them. So sure enough we did. A wine correspondent was there, she works for Oprah's magazine...and the Today Show...etc. She had arrived last night all the way from Sonoma...to be the hostess of the wine tasting. They had also brought in a caterer from Timonium to whip up some amazing food to pair with the various wines.
Boy...how fun was that??!! The wine was good and so was the food. The final tasting...Chocolate Rosewater Truffles...sprinkled with sea salt...and we chased it with sips of 2004 Girbaldi Brochetto from Piedmonte Italy. Normally I don't care for sweet wine...but this was great. I suppose the salty chocolate helped!!!
By early evening Monica and I parted our ways and I started home. But...well...you know me!!! As I started out of Annapolis, I decided to call Carla. And, you guessed it, one thing led to another and I was soon on my way to her house. So much for going home!!
Right after I got to Carla's, we ran to the grocery store and picked up a few things. And yes I did get even more wet!!! By the time we got out of the store...it was pouring again. So Carla ran to get the car and brought it to the curb. You should have seen us. We giggled and laughed, while I shuffled along holding the umbrella over Carla as she waltzed back and forth between the curb and the car...loading it up with the groceries. It was quite a scene, the two of us silly girls!! Finally, we got everything in the car and zoomed back to Carla's to fix dinner. Well...actually I'm pretty sure it was Carla who did all the cooking while I mostly sat there and kept her company.
Dinner was great...as usual!! But just as we finished we lost power. So Carla lit candles in just about every room of the house! It was very pretty!! There's nothing quite like candlelight!! After a little while I left for home. For real this time!!! I knew that I would probably have fallen asleep had I sat there much longer and I would never have made it home. But, I wanted to get back to the apartment before they close the streets at 4AM to start setting up for tomorrow's Marine Corp Marathon. I will be watching it from my balcony tomorrow!! And later after the race, there will be band playing music in the park about 3PM. So I plan to walk down the street for that. I love live music, so it should be a lot of fun tomorrow!! Even though I will be "all by myself!"
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I'm Back Home Again
On my way home, I stopped and had dinner with a friend on Capitol Hill. While there I also ran into an old High School friend and her daughter. Sue was also a cheerleader one year behind me...and she is...and always has been... a real sweetheart!
She and her husband live in the same town where Kenny and I used to live in Maryland. We got reconnected there about ten years ago at Church and she got to know Kenny pretty well too. They just hit it off immediately! In fact, as I recall they were in a small group together for a while. They did "Monday Morning Matters." Which means the group met and did odd jobs around the church every Monday...and they ended their day in fellowship and prayer.
What a small world running into Sue downtown this evening. I hadn't seen her a few years. She is an RN and she is now working at the Capitol for the Attending Physician. The good news is that she is only a few blocks from me so we can meet for dinner one day soon. That will be awesome. I've always loved her!!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Back in Baltimore Again!
I got here later than planned. I was scheduled to help with this meeting today, but my assistance was pre-empted by bigger priorities back at the office. One has always got to have a Plan B!! So after a very busy and hectic day today...I hit the road after work and got here about 6PM, just in time to check in to my room, put away my things, and meet my colleagues downstairs to join them for dinner. We all loaded into a little shuttle that took us to the Rusty Scupper. It's a pretty popular place here in Baltimore if you are looking for seafood. And it's right on the water with a spectacular 360 degree view. We had a group of about 30 people and I even met some new folks I hadn't known before.
Then our consultant and I headed back to the hotel early, to prepare for our day tomorrow. He had to catch me up on what I had missed today, since we will be co-facilitating the meeting tomorrow. I would be lying to say that I'm not nervous!
We sat in the hotel bar staring at his computer while all our colleagues walked by on their way to the "party room." I had planned to join them when we finished...but low and behold, by the time we were done preparing...the party was over. Oh well! All, in all, I'm guessing the day will go "swimmingly well tomorrow!" Or at least that's what I'm praying for!
Another Day of Grieving...

Blessings and comfort to this grieving family. Yet, I believe Erin is enjoying her birthday today...and she is probably sharing it with her Grandfather. And who knows, perhaps she has even met Kenny by now. But the best part...she is perfect and completely whole once again.
From what I've learned about Erin, I'll bet she is up to some mischief this morning! I'm just guessing, she is spurring on the other angels to join her in a new adventure. With a big, beautiful, impish grin...she is saying, "Come on, let's do it!!!"
Monday, October 20, 2008
Dinner tonight was fun with my friends Larry from Atlanta and Janet here from Headquarters. We ate at Chilis and laughed hysterically about the crazy waiter who seated us. I won't go into the details...it's actually particularly sad in view of the timing (you'll have to see tomorrow's post). But it sure shows how troubles are all about perspective. This guy...all in all...was mostly only worried about his damaged truck after it had fatally hit someone while his girlfriend was driving it.
The funny part is how he latched onto me...to tell me all the ridiculous details of his story, his girfriend's incarceration and his misfortune!! We were all shocked!!! It's just one more reminder that I probably need to stop being so friendly to strangers!!!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
At the White House
When we arrived we even got to drive across the barricaded road out front to get to the Secret Service building on the other side. OK...the Secret Service do get some privileges for risking their lives every day!!
Once there, we took our time and strolled through all the walkways of the South Lawn. You may not realize the White House is actually eighteen acres, so it was a lot of ground to cover.
From the South Lawn of the White House is a beautiful vista of a fountain and garden. And the view is complimented on the horizon by a backdrop of the Washington Monument and in the far distance the dome of the Jefferson Memorial.
We got to walk through the Children's Garden where children of the Presidents have pressed their hand prints into the walkway. It's very cute!
Here are the handprints of Barbara and Jenna Bush when they were much younger.
My friend even pointed out to me where the tennis court and the swimming pool are tucked away. Both are tastefully hidden by extensive landscaping. Unless you know about them you wouldn't even notice them there.Just imagine...we stood right by the South Portico. It's where they welcome the Ambassadors and Heads of State. It's tradition for them, upon their arrival at the south door, to present their credentials to the President before they step foot into the White House.
I even saw the Oval Office...I was only about ten to twenty yards away. It's right next to the Rose Garden.
We saw Jackie Kennedy's garden too. Prior the to Kennedys it was only a square of green lawn, but Jackie had it made into a beautiful garden lined with topiary trees. It's sure a lovely addition to the front of the White House.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
An Unexpected Surprise!
So I worked on my metal for about an hour...and I could have kept on going, but I really wanted to hear them play. We all headed upstairs to the studio...and well...what a joy! This friend of Hugh's, Bear...has been wanting to pursue music his whole life. But other things...as they typically do...got in the way. He is now trying to give it a go and well...I was in awe of his talent...both his singing and his guitar picking.
Bear has a really interesting and different voice. It's kind of a cross between Willy Nelson and John Pryne...and he writes his own songs. And man are they good. Hugh accompanied him on his cello and Daniel played a magnificent violin. Probably about the best I've ever heard. They went through quite a few songs and one even had me crying. It was called Goodbye Old Friend. Bear had written it recently when his best friend died. He had some others that were pretty cute...one about "old women" that I of course could relate to!! LOL! It had some lines in it like, "Grandma never looked so good..." Very catchy!!
After about an hour and quite a range of songs, they put their instruments away and Hugh and I got back to my metal work. But, hearing Dan on that violin and all of them together was sure and unexpected...and delightful surprise!! Wow!
On My Way to Hammer Metal!!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Sh-h-h-h...it's a Secret!!!
Karen had just said she hasn’t been to the White House in such a long time and would like to go. Boy will she be excited to hear I will be there tomorrow afternoon.
I will have to make a mad dash home from my metal class…and be a “quick change artist” in order to shower and get all dolled up for the White House. I’m quite sure I can’t show up in my grubby boots and jeans.
H-m-m-m, I wonder if I can take a camera with me??? I will have to ask…
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Early Birds
Last night Kyle and Jessica picked up our darling Chloe. You should have seen them! They were all so excited to see each other...and well, I'm really going to miss my little girl. Lisa and Noyan took care of Chloe Tuesday and Wednesday this week so I could go to work. When Noyan dropped her off last night...he raved about what a good little one she is. And...boy she really is. She even went to a school meeting with Lisa and did not make a peep. The teachers all wanted to keep her. That's my girl!! Kyle and Jessica have done such a great job raising her. I'm soo proud of them.
I'm guessing it will be a long day for me today. Karen will be leaving in a few minutes...at FIVE, and I will go ahead and start getting ready for work. I may even arrive there a little earlier this morning. So, I'm sure by mid afternoon my behind will be dragging!!! But, it sure has been a fun several weeks, first the wedding, then Karen's visit. The only down time of course was Nanny's funeral on Tuesday. And even that was a nice chance to see some dear old friends from years ago and revel again in the delight of Graeme and Cory's little babies, Jack and Eligh.
So of course, I am looking upon this day with mixed emotions. It will be sad seeing Karen go...yet it will be kind of nice to get back to my old familiar routine. And I've sure got some catching up to do around here. So it will be fine.
Of course yesterday...anticipating my return to solitude...I found myself searching the many, many faces as I hurried through the metro. Who are all these people? What's their story? And isn't there someone else out there who is lonely like me?
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Wait a Minute...Where is the Wedding Story?

I've never seen Jessica more beautiful. She was radiant, simply radiant...and Kyle...oh my Gosh. What an adoring groom!!! Their wedding could not have been MORE beautiful...more memorable. Perhaps I'm just a bit biased!!!

The weather cooperated so we we were able to have an outdoor wedding...just as Jessica planned. And Emily played the violin processional...and it was perfect.

Our Chloe threw rose petals in Jessica's path, followed by the twins Cody and Tyler as the ring bearers. Pop escorted Jessica down the aisle...and Jess...well her smile just beamed!!!! She was so happy...she was the princess Cinderella!!!

The Castle was amazing. And as it turns out it's where Jada Pinkett and Will Smith were married. Who knew? But, I doubt their wedding could possibly have been more fun than Kyle and Jessica's.

This wedding was too much fun!
I hated to see it end. And I've decided that my friends and family are so much fun, that we need to have a party every now and then...just because. No reason necessary...just because!!!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
More and More Wedding Photos
Monday, October 13, 2008
More Photos of the Weekend
More Walking Today!
Final stop...the refreshment stand for a popsicle for Chloe and an Italian Ice for Karen and me. We sat there in the shade on a park bench and just took our time, taking in the day, the people walking by and the splendor of it all. The weather was beautiful...the sky was blue and it was filled with wispy, downy clouds. It was a nearly perfect day in Washington!!
After much coaxing of my dear Chloe, we finally made our way back to the car...with the help of a piggy-back ride from her Mimi (me)! I sure got my exercise the past few days!!! Wow! I'm feeling old!!!
Tomorrow I'm back to work again, so Lisa stopped by to pick up Chloe for me. She and Lauren and Marisa will have "Chloe duty" for the next couple days. Chloe bounced right off to climb into their car. She was VERY excited about staying with Aunt Lisa and Uncle Noyan. I'm sure the girls will be a fascination for Chloe the next several days.
Karen and I loved our time with Chloe...but I have to admit we did enjoy this evening's peace and quiet. We walked down the street and had a nice dinner at the local Thai restaurant...and now we are home watching anything but kid's shows on T.V.
Not too surprising that Kyle and Jessica are really enjoying their honeymoon and the rare adult time this week.