I searched for my friend David from Phoenix, but couldn't place him in the crowd of runners. But I'm sure he is here somewhere; he runs this marathon every year.
Truly it is amazing!! There are people of every kind, shape and size. They all come running by with their faces fixed in determination. Some of them are locked in a grimace and others have the most peaceful appearance as if they are lost in their thoughts far, far away.
Some even run along holding the hand of a friend...trying to keep them going, encouraging them not to quit. Others stop and rub their calves...others walk a while until they get their strength back. I even saw one guy in a banana costume and another pushing a baby in a stroller. And there is another guy who has no legs and he is doing the race on a skateboard!!! How can that be?
I stood out there for hours and finally had to drag myself away for a while. I decided to go back to the apartment. I just have to get a few things done around here today...even though it's extremely hard with the constant cheering and distraction. I really hate to miss out on all the fun. But,I do want to join again in the festivities once the music and celebration begins. So I've got to put my nose to the grindstone here for a few hours before the party gets going.
And all in all, I do find myself wondering what it is that compels them to do this. I can't imagine ever running a marathon. I just can't...although there's a part of me that would love to do it. Just for the challenge, just to see if I could finish. I suppose that's why they run. That must be it!!
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