Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Rushing a Bit

Not sure where the time went this evening except that I didn't get home until about 6:30 PM That means I put in nearly a twelve hour day. I was in the office by 6:30 AM and hitting it hard. One of my assignments is kicking my butt. Nearly impossible deadlines, but I'm gonna keep on workin' it. Hope to "git er done!"

This evening I walked a block up the street and had dinner at Noodles. I ordered Pad Thai and sat out at the street-side table to eat. Love that! There is so much activity here that it is never lonely eating alone. I was too busy watching all the bikers, joggers, walkers. I even kept an eye on the chauffeur waiting outside McCormick and Schmick's restaurant. Seems funny to see a limo sitting out there. I wonder if it was some politician or something? Probably! But I didn't linger around to find out. I finished my meal and headed back home.

Jazz is running around the apartment. He probably slept all day and now has energy to burn. I got a message that they are coming to paint my balcony tomorrow. Not sure why; I didn't even notice it needed paint. But, I'll have to put Jazzy B in the bedroom and bathroom tomorrow before I leave. That's easy, I can close off both rooms to the rest of the apartment and they know I have a cat. They also know I would literally DIE if anything happens to my Jazzy Boy! No worries!!!

I got an email from my friend Jane tonight. She is the one who is taking care of my house down south. Everything is fine...the plants are all fine. She's doing well and is taking good care of everything. What a blessing!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Its Colleen, I talked to Karen today and she said that you had a blog, Im so glad that I found it!! I have thought of you oh so many times over this last year. It has been almost a year and I remember the exact place I was with Karen when we got "the call" while on vacation in Arizona.

My heart goes out to you and your family. You are such a good wife and devoted mate and an inspiration to us all. It takes someone special to go through all those years of illness and stick by your loved one's side. When I was going through my cancer and things got tough, my doctor told me not to be surprised if my husband detached himself from the whole thing. He said that a large percentage of people can't take it and leave the ill spouse. You hung in there and gave your all. Kenny was truly blessed to have you as his wife, loyal, faithful wife.

I also have dinner alone and live in a cramped little place, but its fine and only for the summer than I'm back to Saudi. But yeah it does get lonely and I thank God for being able to communicate through computer and phone to my friends and family.

I have enjoyed reading your entries. It's hard to know what to say to those grieving. I know when my mom died of ovarian cancer and people said things to me it just annoyed me because they had no idea how I felt. I was happier when they said nothing and let me mourn her in my own way. In fact I didn't even like getting cards, it just made the hurt come back, so thats why I don't send them. Its not that I don't care, I just don't want to hurt them more.
Wow too much on the comment- email me at