Here's a photo of my apartment so far! Pretty funny huh?
These others photos are from my balcony to the left and the right. It's quite a view. I'm smack dab in the middle of the City and I love seeing all the people walking, biking and rollerblading through the streets. It's an active community.
I may have to put a bird feeder on my balcony. I'm sure Jazz would like to have some birds to watch.
This morning I was on my way through the lobby looking for a cup of coffee and I ran into a guy from work, Todd. He lives here too and we've known each other for years. So, as it turns out I had someone to join me for coffee and a bagel. Todd says he really likes living here. It's a nice safe area and there's a lot to do. He's got a bike and rides on the Mt. Vernon trail which is right next to our building. I will definitely be getting myself a bike soon and there's a place to lock them up in the basement. How convenient!
I'm here now doing laundry and tidying up the place. Getting things in order. Lisa, Noyan and the girls are on their way here. Lisa is bringing me some things from her antique store inventory...and I can't wait to see what she brings. It's gonna be like opening up a "grab bag." Surprise!! Hopefully by day's end this place will be a bit more functional.
I think I'm really going to like it here. The pool and fitness center are on the second floor. The garbage chute is just down the hall and I keep running into nice people all over this building. There's a community room downstairs so if I get lonely I can head down there to find someone to talk to. And I've already heard about another "crazy cat woman" in the building who spoils her two cats rotten. She even gives them kitty hair cuts in the summer so they won't be hot. And she has some kind of netting thing so she can let them join her out on the balcony. Hm-m-m that sounds like an idea for Jazzy Boy! I'm going to ask the manager downstairs to introduce us. Perhaps we can even arrange kitty cat play days! Jazz says, "I am REALLY going to love it here too! Meow!"
1 comment:
Wow Lauren- Somehow I accidently deleted your comment, but I am glad you are on your way! I can't wait to show you my little place. And, I'm excited that you are bringing me some stuff, especially the TV. Then you girls can come and stay with me and watch TV! It's great living nearby. I LOVE YOU! Aunt Cissy
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