This is probably the most days I've gone without blogging, but I've been extremely busy this week. Libby left on Tuesday after I had gone to work. I sure hated to see her go. She is simply an amazing person! When I got home from work Tuesday evening, she had cleaned the entire apartment before she left...even the litter box! And she had folded my laundry, tidied up everything and stocked my fridge with food. She is obviously worried that I never cook for myself. But...I just don't see the point without having someone to share it with.
Libby and I spent the entire three days just talking, walking, and laughing. Oh...and beautifying too. She gave me a haircut and color. I sat out there on my balcony Monday evening with my hair all up in papers and goop. HA! Hopefully I'm high enough up here on the sixth floor that no one could see me...but frankly...honestly...I couldn't give a darn! Anyway, how about that...having my own personal hair stylist?!? And it was all her idea!!
I really miss having Libby here. Now it's just me and Jazz again...
Tonight after work I drove straight to Kyle and Jessica's. I had parked my car this morning in the garage across from work. Normally I metro to work, but I wanted to be able to make a quick escape right after work today, so I drove in instead.
I left their place about nine to head back home to Virginia. And I was listening to that Delilah radio show. I know...there I go...being sappy again. Someone called in and was feeling a little down. She was a single Mom and said she finds herself wondering whether she will spend the rest of her life alone. It's a familiar feeling... Delilah asked her why she was worrying about the future when it's not even here yet. Then she said, "Live in the moment and stop worrying about tomorrow." And...well...I suppose that's pretty good advice.
After she had played the woman a beautiful song, she came back on the radio and said...something like, "I hope you are surrounded by positive people, the kind who can make you feel good, the kind who cheer you on and make you happy."
It was a very cool way to end my evening. I'm going to continue to stay positive...focus on the positive. Live in the moment. Not borrow trouble...or worry about tomorrow. And...continue to surround myself with loving, happy people. That's my promise to myself! No worries...none.
I am glad you and Libby had such a good visit. Old Town Alexandria is rich with cool stuff to do. I really like it there.
Dear Lucy,
Jess and Kyle's wedding should be beautiful at the Castle. Keep focused on the happy event.
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