Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Rushing again

I worked late tonight then had dinner at McCormick and Schmicks. Just got home...checking e-mail etc. Had a busy work day today...and it's projected to be even busier tomorrow. I hope I can get out of their Friday on time. I'm looking forward to my highschool reunion and don't want to miss a moment of it.

Friday I will have to rush home from work, pick up Jazz and drive to Annapolis to drop him off at my mother-in-law's. She is doing "Jazzy duty" for the weekend! Then I will join up with Carla for the Friday evening meet and greet. Oh...I hope I will have time in there to shower and change...before I head out, but who knows. It should be a pretty busy weekend. Much like my week has been so far. But...seeing old friends...what could be more special?

It's funny but some of our girlfriends have decided not to go. They've said things like, "I already see everyone I care about, don't need to go." And, frankly...I just don't get that. I can't imagine anything more fun than reconnecting with old acquaintances and friends and hearing about their lives, their families, their triumphs and challenges. I look forward to it always...and would not consider missing it! In fact, it may just be the highlight of my year. It always has been. By Sunday night I doubt I will have a voice left for talking with so many different people. At any rate...I can hardly wait to see everyone. I am practically jumping up and down.

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