Here we are in the parking lot after the awards ceremony. As it turns out we could not take our cameras into the building...not even our cell phones or memory sticks!!! So we stopped on our way out and snapped this silly photo before we hopped back into Shelley's car. Yes...and they made me show off my leopard print dress!! Funny, funny, girls!!!
My, my!! As it turns out we were not at the Pentagon, but Bolling Air Force Base at the Defense Intelligence Analysis Center...and it was top security getting in. I was sure they were going to have to frisk me at the security desk!!! Or...shall I say...I was hoping they would have to frisk me!! LOL!!
It was a very nice ceremony, and it was presided over by "the General," the Director of DIA! There was a whole lot of cheering and clapping going on for my friend...Shelley-belle! She is a direct report to the big dog Chief Financial Executive for the Defense Intelligence Agency. Imagine that!! She managed the DIA funds for Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom and a whole lot more. Wow Shelley, you've come a long way baby!!! And she sure deserves this award...she works harder than anyone I've ever seen...and she really knows her stuff.
Marya, Carolyn, Vanessa and I got to sit in the family section, so we were right up front behind the big wigs. And it was interesting to hear the awards granted to people who have so much to do with counter-terrorism...keeping us safe. Thank goodness for them. In fact, some folks were only announced by their first names...their last names weren't mentioned because they are members of the intelligence community and their identities are safeguarded. Interesting.
We laughed the entire time we were together...before and after the ceremony that is!! It was great! Too bad we didn't have more time to spend together. We will have to get together again real soon. Shelley is still trying to convince me to go to work at the Pentagon. Hmmmmm, all those uniforms!!!! I'll have to take it under serious advisement!!!
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