Well I tried to post a video here of the white crane walking around the pond, but the Blogger publishing feature is not working this morning...oh well. I'll try it again later.
I'm sitting here this morning on the patio outback of Gretchen's. And I am still in my cheetah PJ's! Ha! This is a beautiful spot, with a view of the pond and the golf course. It's great watching the golfers tee off at whatever hole this is...I'm not sure which one... I wonder if they notice me sitting here in my pajamas. Doubtful...they are so absorbed in their golf game.
The serenade of a couple of owls calling back and forth woke me up this morning. They must have been right outside my bedroom window. I'll bet they were sitting on the patio wall outside my bedroom door. I wish my camera had been near so I could have captured an audio recording of their song!!! Surprisingly it was a very cool way to wake up!!!
Gene and the boys left a little while ago to play tennis and Stacey is sitting here with me reading a book.
Priscilla is inside the kitchen puttering around. She and I will probably spend most of the day cooking and preparing for this evening's celebration.
We can check into our own place today at 3PM. We have a towhouse for the rest of our stay here. Once checked in, we will all get ready for the evening festivities. We are going to the clubhouse tonight for the New Year's Eve celebration. I am so excited...and ready to ring in a New Year.
I am "willing" 2009 to be the best year ever!!!
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