Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I'm Almost Ready

Spent most of the day making flight arrangements, preparing reimbursement vouchers and applying for a new badge. I lost mine yesterday at lunch...somewhere on the mall. But getting through the associated databases today...well, I experienced my share of red tape!! They are slow and cumbersome. Not an efficient use of my time. There MUST be an easier way. Oh woah is me!!

At any rate, I got home tonight and starting packing things up to take back South. Essentially all of my summer clothes are crammed into my largest suitcase. Not much else to do, I'm about ready to go. I only have to decide whether to drive to work tomorrow to head right to my metal apprenticeship...or come home first. But...even though I would have to pay parking, I think I will drive to work tomorrow. That would be so much easier than running home first after work.

I can't wait to work on my horse sculpture tomorrow night. I took Hugh's advice and worked out my idea in cardboard last night. I traced five horseshoe shapes, cut them out and stapled them together. And, I think it's gonna work just fine. I may even try to make him into Bobble Head. I think I might just be able to do that too. Perhaps...pretty soon...Lasso Lucky will have a pal!!

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