And not only that, but he will not allow me to give him a penny for my lessons. I am so amazed and feel so blessed. How does a person ever repay such a gift? I have no idea!!
I have been a big fan of his daughter Eva for years. Eva Cassidy has the voice of an angel and now she REALLY is an angel because she was taken from us way too soon. Just like my Kenny.
There are many things that Hugh and I simply leave unsaid...but somehow we know. We both know what we have experienced with our losses. That is our connection.
Every Saturday I arrive at Hugh and Barbara's at nine in the morning, and there he is, waiting for me and ready to begin. We spend about three and a half hours together...and so far it is ALL about me. Hugh gets little else accomplished while I am there, because he is so busy, so consumed with teaching me. He spends his Saturday mornings solely for my benefit. And to think that up until five weeks ago we were complete strangers! I continue to shake my head in amazement at such a selfless gift!!
Last weekend when I arrived I didn't see Hugh outside by the shop. Normally he is already there, ready to go, or else he is watering his plants by the river bank waiting around for me to arrive. This time, there was no sign of Hugh anywhere. But as I got out of my car...I could hear music...beautiful, melancholy music. And so I knew he was in his studio above the metal shop.
I ran upstairs and there he was...perfecting a piece that a friend of his had written. He said, "Do you want to hear a beautiful song?" And of course, I replied, "Sure!" With that he started playing his cello and it was a beautiful sound. He used a combination of plucking the strings and bowing them. I was entranced and I became lost in a moment with the haunting melody and lyrics of his performance. Imagine not only being a fabulous artist, but also being a fabulous musician as well. How does one person achieve such talent?
I've learned so much from Hugh during our time together. And I believe this journey is more about the connection between two souls who have experienced so much heartache. It's the most important part of our friendship; the words unspoken that mean the most to me.
and in that way, Hugh and I are a lot alike. I absolutely love music of all kinds and so does he. Often while he is sharing a CD of a friend's music, he will stop for a moment and call my attention to a particular he sings along. Dah, dah, dah, deee, deeh deeeeh...lah, lah, lah lah. "Just listen to that melody," he will say. Or, "How about those lyrics? Isn't this a beautiful song?"
Invariably...half way through our lesson, as we are sweating and swatting at the flies that bite at our comes Barbara. She is a dear, dear soul. She is just the cutest, sweetest thing. She brings us a cold drink or a Popsicle to help cool us off from the heat and grime of sculpting metal. And she insists on always giving me a hug...even though I'm sweaty, and grimy and smelly from working out there in the hot, hot heat. But, she doesn't care...she is a sweet angel. Just as no their daughter Eva.
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