The time here simply flew by...yet when I think of everything I've accomplished, seen, and done...well it's pretty amazing. I've managed to pack an awful lot into less than a week!!!
Today was a full day. I stopped at the office again and had my photo taken for my permanent badge. They even fingerprinted me...it's a new national I.D. system. But I won't be able to pick up the badge for at least another week. Then I headed North of the City to see an old friend. We had a nice lunch...then I was back on the road again to head home.
On my way here, I got a call that one of my dear work friends had been rushed to the hospital downtown by ambulance. Highly suspicious of a heart attack!! Oh my! So...of course...my trip home made a detour by way of the medical center. I had never been there before...so it took a little persistence to find my way to the emergency room. And it was sure NOT in the best part of town! But...I figure if I could make my way around Hopkins all those years...I could certainly manage my way around this hospital as well. I was vigilant...careful of my surroundings...and was extremely cautious.
My friend is doing fine, but they are keeping her overnight for observation. I sure hated leaving her there alone...but I had to get going and finish my packing for the morning flight. And I was anxious to get out of there...before it got too late.
After an hour and a half flight tomorrow, I will stop first at the apartment to drop off my suitcase. Then I will head into work. By the time I get to the office it will be well into the afternoon and I'll have a lot of catching up to do before I can leave for the weekend. I'm sure my Jazzy Boy will be thrilled to see me when I walk in that door!! And...it will soon be the beginning of another whirlwind week. Randy and Danny are arriving this Thursday. Melissa is coming into town tomorrow...and may be at my house over the weekend. It will be another jam packed and busy week leading into Kyle and Jessica's wedding. But, I know it will also be exhilarating! Lot's of fun, lots of family and friends. What could be better?
So of course...as I depart in the AM...I will be going with mixed emotions for sure. I am leaving some dear, dear friends behind...people I've grown to love...truly. And yet, I'm also returning home to people I love too...That's the dilemma. What a dilemma!!
I find that I am now torn between two worlds. And it's not easy. And so...I've been thinking. Why can't I be like a kangaroo??? LOL!! That way, I could hop around carrying close to me...all the people I love!! I could protect them and keep them warm...and hold onto them always. I'm just saying...Why Can't I Be a Kangaroo?
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