Libby is leaving in the morning and boy it's going to be hard to see her go! She has been a life-saver this weekend! Not only have we hauled away a shit load of junk from my basement but we've also had fun while doing it. We have laughed and talked and laughed and talked. And...well my Jazz will miss her too. In fact, I'm thinking I will have to inspect her luggage before she pulls out of the driveway in the morning...for fear that she will steal him...or Jazz will stow-away! They became fast friends...as evidenced by this evening's photo. Isn't it great? It captures the memory! We sat on that sofa for hours...with Jazz sleeping in Libby's arms. Every now and then he would reach up and pat her on the face. That's my Jazz! And yes, I know...here I go with the crazy cat thing again...but truly I just can't help myself. Jazz is the most amazing cat I've ever known, bar none. Even Libby who has three cats of her own, is crazy about my Jazz ma Tazz.

So let's see for today when I got home from work...we hauled away another love seat, a dresser, a table and four chairs..a computer monitor...well not exactly. The monitor went from my basement, into the truck...then the thrift shop couldn't accept it, so it went back into the truck and back into my basement. Oh good grief! We stopped on the way home and bought 14 bails of pine straw mulch, a huge garden jardiniere and an ornamental grass for me to plant this weekend for my deck. Got home, unloaded the 14 bails of mulch, the jar, the grass...and re-loaded the truck with a love seat, bar stools, coal shovel etc. that Libby is taking back to Maryland with her. Phew! On second thought, I'll sure be glad when Libby goes home....We've hauled away a total of three truckloads and one station wagon load of junk while Libby was here...Oh My GOD! And that is not all we accomplished. This coming weekend, I swear...I plan to do NOTHING! I will spend the entire weekend on the sofa with my cat...I swear! Bye Libby...I will REALLY miss you...no REALLY!!!
Congratulations! You and Libby accomplished a lot! Also, I'm glad to hear that your visit with her was so nice. She sounds like a cool person.
Seeing that great picture of Jazz sleeping on Libby reminds me of my cat, Brandy, who loved sleeping on my chest. She could sleep on her 'Bill-bed' for hours.
Libby IS cool! Very cool indeed! What a great weekend; it was the best!
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