Monday, May 19, 2008

A Few Scary Moments!

I got home tonight and talked on the phone with a few friends. Then my neighbor Jen gave me a ride to Five Guy's so I could get a burger and fries for dinner. We sat outside and her son Jack tried out his new skateboard gadget. I forget what they called it but it's a little fancier than your typical skate board. You know the kind we had when we were kids? This is a new-fangled version. It's jointed in the middle and it moves by wiggling your body back and forth. Interesting! What will they think of next?

When I walked in my house an hour or so later I had quite a fright! I think my heart literally stopped for a few scary moments. I couldn't find my Jazz...I called all over the house...holding my breath and feeling a bit panicky. He always comes running to greet me, but this time no Jazz and not a sound. And it's amazing what thoughts went through my head in a matter of a few minutes. Could he have gotten outside? Did he get hung up in something and is hurt...or worse?! Had someone broken in through my basement and stolen my cat? Yeah, I know my imagination was working overtime...but honestly that's what I was thinking as I frantically searched the house for my little buddy.

Finally I got upstairs and opened my bedroom door. I had closed it to keep him out of there while I was gone. Sure enough, I had unwittingly shut him inside my bedroom and bathroom. Now how did that happen?

Thankfully my cat is smart enough to improvise when he can't get to his litter box. Yes, it's somewhat gross, I know...but my bathtub worked just fine as far as Jazz was concerned. I suppose things could have been much worse. He could have chosen the carpet, or my bed, or my closet, or my clothes. The tub after all was not too bad. It was an easy scrub and now it's good as new. The best part is that my Jazz is just fine! I don't know what I would do if anything happened to that little guy!

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