"It felt like I had taken a big sucker punch to the gut," said Teresa. She had lived a good life, had worked hard at her job, had been kind to people and was a good wife and mother. So how could this be? It's my guess that most people when faced with a similar situation, question it at first.
On the other hand, it's doubtful that healthy folks can relate to that "gut-wrenching" moment when a person hears a serious medical diagnosis for the first time. In fact, I know that most of life's challenges can't really be understood without experiencing them first hand. At least that's what I've learned this year...
Teresa eventually discovered her own answer to the "Why Me" question. For her it was rhetorical: "Why not me?" And I believe what she meant is that it's impossible to put a price on human life. How could anyone "rack and stack" the value of a life well lived, having tried to always do the right thing...or not? Is life really a game? Is it about keeping score? I don't think so and neither does she. These challenges are not meted out as some kind of punishment. God does not do that. One life can not be compared to another. We are too human. We all make mistakes, we all fall short and many of us do it over and over again.
What sets an individual apart is how they handle life's major setbacks. And Teresa is amazing! She has taken her illness in stride, she has refused to let it defeat her. This roughly played "foul" has not thrown her off balance. Her eye is squarely on the ball.
She has faced this frightening challenge with dignity, courage, strength and determination! As a result she has gained the admiration and respect of the crowd from the sidelines. They are watching her every move. And most notable? In between her own suffering she has reached out to me, she has given me heartfelt advice and she has not been afraid to let me cry on her shoulder. It's a kindness I will remember and cherish...for a lifetime!!

Teresa this year's MVP goes to you!
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