Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Day Went Better Than Expected

Didn't get a whole lot of resting in. Talked to a few friends on the phone. Puttered around straightening up the house, emptying the dishwasher, all the usual stuff. Then I ran out to get some Styrofoam peanuts to put in the bottom of that big jardiniere. That way it wouldn't require so much potting soil and it wouldn't get too heavy for me to move around. Yesterday a friend had given me three bags of topsoil, so before I ran to the store, I hauled those heavy things out of my car and up the flight of stairs to the top of my deck. Phew! That took some doing!!

While I was out, I also bought some new cushions for my deck furniture and picked up a window seat for Jazz. Yes, I know he is spoiled. But keep in mind...he's all I have to dote on now!!! When I got home...I did the most important task first. You guessed it! I installed Jazz's window seat! And he loves it!! Good purchase! He sat there in the window while I was working on the deck. I finally got that ornamental grass planted. I bought it the other day while Libby was here. It looks spectacular and it's supposed to grow to about 5 feet tall. It should look pretty awesome once it gets a bit taller and fills out the container. And it should provide me just a bit of privacy on my deck. You case I want to sit out back in my PJ's with my morning coffee. HA!

This deck photo is for Libby...she was anxious to see the plant once it was potted. It was her idea. Great one Libby; doesn't it look swell? By the way can click on these photos to make them a little larger. How cool is that?!

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