Today Libby and I started our morning over coffee and the local radio station's "Acoustic Sunrise." It was a perfect peaceful morning. Then of course we got busy. We are trying to cram as many projects into her few days here as possible. This morning's task was a doozy. We took the bathroom bi-fold doors apart...hinges off...and turned them around. I decided months ago that I want to paint a garden scene of Versailles on the bathroom doors and needed the solid flat side facing out to use for my canvas, rather than the recessed panel side. It took a little doing...and the use of a few "man tools" but we got 'er done!!
The next thing we tackled was to carry that huge 6 ft. long wooden table out of the upstairs bedroom. It's a monster table leftover from when Randy lived here and it sure is a big and it sure is HEAVY. We think it weighs something like, oh about 6,000 lbs!! I can't believe we got it down two flights of stairs. It was quite a feat. Now it's sitting in the entry way, just waiting for us to get it outside, around the house and into the basement. What a relief to get it out of that upstairs bedroom. It took up half the room. I could never have gotten it out of there myself. Libby and I--the two of us together--are powerhouses...packed into these girly-girl frames! Oh...and Libby says..."Thank you very much Randy...for leaving it for us to do!"
Speaking of Randy, he just called to wish me a Happy Mother's Day. He is all the way in Ft. Wayne, Indiana and I sure do miss him. I miss all of my boys of course. They are spread out across this entire country. Dan is in L.A., Kyle is in Maryland. I sure do miss them...I sure do!

Well, I guess I better get this show on the road. Libby is all ready and raring to go. In fact she is sitting here now on the bed talking with my Kyle and Jessica. And we were just saying hello to darling little Chloe. All my boys have called me this morning to wish me a Happy Mother's Day. To celebrate the day, Libby and I are going to take a ride out into the country today...we are going to Serenbe. It's this really cool little "green" town they are building. It is quant and unusual and it's perfect for an afternoon drive. Wow, I'm also getting hungry now ! We may have to stop somewhere and treat ourselves to a little something.
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