I had been feeling a little sad tonight...I'm still having mixed emotions about leaving this place. After spending some time next door with Conda and Allen, I took Jazz for another car ride and we headed down the local Parkway. It brought back a flood of emotions about Kenny, Randy and I arriving here nearly two years ago in early Fall. We were so excited about making this our new home. It was filled with promise for us. Ken loved all the lakes and the lifestyle of this place...and the
warmth. It was nice for him not to walk around freezing all the time.

We are surrounded here by golf courses and Kenny was happy about that too. He was going to get back into golf...and I was going to learn along with him. We planned to join the Cannongate Golf Club...which has courses all over the area...even in Hilton Head where Gene and Priscilla vacation. We figured we would finally be able to join them one summer and we could all play golf.
These thoughts were playing in my mind as I drove through the city, reliving our first moments here. In my typical fashion I was choking back tears. When I finally returned home and got Jazz safely into the house, I headed straight for my computer. It's my therapy. It gets me through the rough spots!

What a happy surprise to find messages from my dear nieces. Their cute comments and warm wishes...
blew away my storm clouds!! Thank you so much Marisa and Lauren!! They are the twins in the photo with my other niece Sadie. She's the one with the "smoochy lips." It's the latest photo fashion you know!
I am so looking forward to seeing my family again. And even though it feels weird to be leaving here alone...I know it is a new life for me...full of adventure.
For the first time in all these years, I will be able to spend time with my nieces and nephews. I was always too preoccupied with Dr. appointments, hospital visits etc. to do much of that.

And of course I can't wait to see Kyle, Jessica and my dear Chloe...and all the rest of my family and friends.
This time of my life...will be filled with nothing but joy. I just can't see the point in wasting a good breathe on anything else.
Lucy, We enjoyed having you over this afternoon, though bitter sweet!! As you begin your new adventure, we will miss you dearly. You are courageous!!
Love, Conda
awww! we love you aunt cissy and we are soo excited your moving up here for 6 months and we will get to see each other a lot more!!!
Aunt Cissy,
i am so happy that you included Lauren and i in your very nice blog :] i'm so ecstatic to see that you take time on the internet, just like me. haha. i am so happy that you are coming up, and that i get to see you. it's always a blast when you come up here, i am most definitely looking forward to playing Wii boxing with youu & also playing brainage:] hopefully we can do a lot more, i'm sure we will. For example, we could go for bike rides, we could go play tennis at the new courts, we could even go to the pool:].
Anyway, i just wanted you to know that i love you so very much!
see you soon,
Conda I'm going to miss you too! You and Alan are great neighbors!!
But...I know our friendship will continue no matter where this adventure takes me. Love you! Lucy
Lauren and Marisa- You two make me so excited to be on my way. I even forgot about that crazy boxing game. Oh My Goodness!! That will be fun...and I'll be exhausted!!! HA! HA! You know I was knocking them all out!! Kisses and hugs to you both, Aunt Cissy
HAHA yea that'll be fun playing that game again!
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