I walked across the hall and entered one of the conference rooms. Turns out it was a young Christian worship group tuning up for their Sunday morning service at the hotel. I decided to join them; worship was to start in twenty minutes. So I hurried back to my room, grabbed some money for the offering and went right back. There was no need to change, everyone dressed casually; I went just as I was in shorts and sandals.
I enjoyed the music and the message. The lesson was about making time on Sunday for worship. How appropriate is that?!? The other focus was that "God does not keep score of our mistakes, if so, none of us would be worthy of coming before him." I believe that should apply to friendships and family as well. Imagine how life could be if we could try to be more like Jesus and accept each other as we are...and not worry about keeping score!! Both messages were timely.
This was a bible-based non-denominational church, The Christian and Missionary Alliance. And it was attended by mostly young college age students. I couldn't help but notice this congregation is predominately Asian. Not sure why, I don't believe that is part of their mission, but I do know that new congregations tend to spread by word of mouth so I'm guessing it was friend telling friend, telling friend. At any rate, this old gal was greeted with open arms by these fine young people. The church reaches out to do missionary work all over the world and right now have some folks in Cambodia. It was nice to start my morning surrounded by such nice individuals.
The first song of the worship was Amazing Grace. It made me smile; it's one of my favorites!! And they even added a modern stanza at the end, putting a new contemporary twist on this old faithful. It was a nice merging of old and new. Hm-m-m pretty much how I felt about being among this congregation.
After church I went to lunch in Crystal City with a work friend. Now it's just me and Jazz here in the hotel. It's a quiet and laid back Sunday afternoon. Just what I needed as I'm gearing up to start my new assignment in the AM. I'm looking forward to it!
Oh and check out the photos of Jazzy B (B for Boy of course)! I just added them to the previous blog. I finally got my technologies all working!!
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