My dear Rhonda went with me today to help pack up my office. She launched right in while I completed my time card and a few other things that had piled up the last several days while I was out sick. It took us several hours to go through everything and we hauled a bunch of bags and boxes out to my car. I will still need to sort through them and separate out what I will take with me to my new assignment.

On the way home, we had just enough time to stop at the liquor store and pick out a couple of bottles of wine. Les and Maria were having a wine tasting party at "the Palace." That's what I call their big beautiful home!!
A small group of work friends were invited and it was a perfect send off for me. They even had a cake with my name on it!! And Les and Maria gave me this new necklace. Don't you know it even matched my outfit. How sweet!!

Sharon was there too with her husband Armand.

Mary and I guess we've been friends since about 1998 and she just transferred here...right as I'm leaving.
Now that timing stinks! We're two ships passing in the night.
I'm sure gonna miss this bunch of work friends and several have already given me dates that they will visit me at headquarters. By the end of the evening four of us girls had even made plans for St. Croix the end of October. Now that will be a blast! I can't wait!

As I'm finishing this blog, I'm coughing like crazy...it seems this "whatever it is" is still hanging on and gets a little worse when I'm overtired. So...I'm gonna turn in now. Good night all!! Sleep with the angels!!
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