Friday, June 20, 2008

Starting to Feel a Bit Better

Some friends from work went out to dinner tonight at a local restaurant. It was supposed to be a celebration for me leaving, but I just didn't feel well enough to go along. So I told them to have a glass of wine for me. Instead, I popped open a can of beef and gravy and whipped up some instant mashed potatoes to go with it. That was a poor excuse for a meal, but it was the best I could do under the circumstances. At this late hour, I can finally say that I am starting to feel a bit better. But I sure wouldn't have been very good company earlier this evening and there's no point in me risking spreading these nasty germs to others.

Earlier this evening I remembered to call my Grandmother for her birthday. In my typical fashion, I had missed it by two days. Thankfully Grandma fact I'm carrying on an old family tradition. She was always fashionably late for our birthdays. And her excuse was always that being late "makes your birthday last longer." That's a good line, so I've adopted it as my own!

Grandma and I had a really good talk this evening and in fact it was probably OK that I hadn't called on her actual birthday. She said she had received so many calls and visits that by evening she was exhausted!! My Grandmother turned ninety-four this year and as she puts it she is "happy as a clam" and is having the time of her life. She said she believes that my life will begin to go more smoothly too. Grandma of course knows how it is to be a widow and she also knows all that Ken and I had been through before yes, Grandma knows too well how tough it's been. She is very pleased that I will be home soon with my family once again.

Now here's something really interesting...I looked back through my blogs and realized that I had posted Grandma's favorite bible verses on her birthday. And I'd like to be able to say that I did it on purpose...but I didn't, it was purely coincidental. Hm-m-m-m, interesting...could it be that "nothing happens quite by chance my dear!?"

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