Friday, January 9, 2009

Metal Work Is Cancelled Tomorrow

Darn!! No metal work tomorrow. Hugh is still getting over a bad cold and he says it's brutally cold out there in the mornings.'s supposed to be rainy tomorrow too, so we've canceled it. On the other will be nice to sleep in tomorrow. That's a rare treat for me. That just means, however that it will be another two weeks before I get to do any metal work. Next weekend I will be back down south for a few days.

The week flew by...and it was also long and tiring. I know that makes little sense, but it's how it felt. I've got a pretty busy weekend planned. In the AM...I have to pay some bills!! Ugh!!! Tomorrow afternoon I'm going to help Carla do some calligraphy on wedding invitations for a friend. Tomorrow evening I'm headed to Gene and Priscilla's for an "after" New Years celebration. Sunday afternoon I'm meeting a friend for coffee...and Sunday late afternoon I'm joining another friend for a trip to the Smithsonian. makes me tired just thinking about it!

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