Monday, December 8, 2008

Baby It's Cooooold Outside...

I really can't it's cold outside. I've got to go it's cold outside. This evening has, la, la, la-la, la, la-la-la...

Wow! It's one of my favorite songs and I'm singing it this morning. I know it's cold out there and I just want to stay bundled here inside. Wish I had a big old fireplace to warm up to!!! But...I've got to brave it...I've got to get out there...and go make myself a living...

Baby it's I'll freeeeeze out there...I really must,la, la, la, la....

So really, I better, la, la, la...

Here's a cute rendition...this one's for's Tom Jones!! I know I'm dating myself...but the guy does have somethin'. It's not really his looks...he just has charisma...the chemistry. And well...we all know that chemistry is what it's all about!! Ha!!

OK, here I go...out into the cold! It's time to get my day started!!!

Baby it's Cooooooold o-u-u-t...

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