Monday, December 22, 2008

The Wind Chill is 2 degrees!!!!

Oh My!!! And I have to go out in it...soon. I wish I could stay home today, but I've got an all day meeting today and another one tomorrow. Hmmmmm. I may just have to take the day off Christmas Eve. Wouldn't that be sweet???

It was a blur of a weekend. Friday afternoon I had a work Christmas Party...with DANCING!! Yahoo! Of course I had to be bold enough to find myself some dancing partners. But you know me...that was not too much of a problem.

Saturday was my metal class. Luckily it was a rather balmy day so it was not nearly as cold working out there as usual. Hugh surprised me with something new. He just happened to pick up a new welding helmet for "us!" Isn't that cute? It's the neat kind that the lens changes when the arc lights you can watch and see what you are doing the whole time you are welding. When I learn to use the plasma cutter that will be cool...because I'll really be able to see what I'm doing!!!I am VERY excited about it!!! And before I left for the day, Barbara brought me out a tin of home baked cookies...with a very sweet card wishing me happy memories. How nice!!! She knows from experience how these first few years are...when you are missing someone you love.

After metal, I headed over to Kenny's brother's house. We were having his family's Christmas party. It was a little hard driving into our old neighborhood. As I rounded the bend, I caught glimpse of our old house sitting there on the lake. I thought of driving by, but just can't do it yet. I didn't want to show up at my brother in law's house crying. So, I soaked it up, put on a happy face and spent the evening with Kenny's family. Boy...we sure miss him!!

Yesterday was another whirlwind shopping day and I came home, wrapped everything for Dan and Randy and then headed straight for the FedEx. Luckily it's right across the street! Yeah!!! I got 'er done!! Their gifts should arrive on Christmas Eve with no problem. Of course it cost me a zillion dollars to ship them...but no worries! I'm just relieved they will have some gifts to open on Christmas morning. Santa has been very, very busy the last several days here!!! Or at least I'm guessing he's been busy. I sure know I have been!!! And thankfully, I'm finally, finally feeling the Christmas spirit!!! It's a good feeling...

I have only two days left to finish up the wrapping, and get my packing done for Puerto Rico. I will spend the night with Kenny's Mom on Christmas Eve and we will drive to Pennsylvania to my Mom and Dad's on Christmas Day. It will be home again that night..then I'll hop on the plane the next day for my trip!!! Sheesh...I'm tired already just thinking about it!! I hope I get to just sit at the beach...and read a book!!! Man...that's what I'm longing to do!!!

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