Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I'm Back Home Again

And I'm pretty tired. Actually, I'm very tired!!! The meeting went well. The people there were really very nice and I got to know some of them pretty well in such a short amount of time.

On my way home, I stopped and had dinner with a friend on Capitol Hill. While there I also ran into an old High School friend and her daughter. Sue was also a cheerleader one year behind me...and she is...and always has been... a real sweetheart!

She and her husband live in the same town where Kenny and I used to live in Maryland. We got reconnected there about ten years ago at Church and she got to know Kenny pretty well too. They just hit it off immediately! In fact, as I recall they were in a small group together for a while. They did "Monday Morning Matters." Which means the group met and did odd jobs around the church every Monday...and they ended their day in fellowship and prayer.

What a small world running into Sue downtown this evening. I hadn't seen her a few years. She is an RN and she is now working at the Capitol for the Attending Physician. The good news is that she is only a few blocks from me so we can meet for dinner one day soon. That will be awesome. I've always loved her!!

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