Saturday, October 18, 2008

An Unexpected Surprise!

Hugh and Barbara's son Daniel is here from Iceland. Just like his Dad and of course his sister Eva, Daniel is also an accomplished musician. He lives in Iceland and performs there professionally. When I got to Hugh's house this morning, he said his friend Bear was coming over at ten so that he, and Hugh and Daniel could play together for a while. Dan and his wife only come to the States about once a year, so while he is around they get as much playing in as they can.

So I worked on my metal for about an hour...and I could have kept on going, but I really wanted to hear them play. We all headed upstairs to the studio...and well...what a joy! This friend of Hugh's, Bear...has been wanting to pursue music his whole life. But other they typically in the way. He is now trying to give it a go and well...I was in awe of his talent...both his singing and his guitar picking.

Bear has a really interesting and different voice. It's kind of a cross between Willy Nelson and John Pryne...and he writes his own songs. And man are they good. Hugh accompanied him on his cello and Daniel played a magnificent violin. Probably about the best I've ever heard. They went through quite a few songs and one even had me crying. It was called Goodbye Old Friend. Bear had written it recently when his best friend died. He had some others that were pretty about "old women" that I of course could relate to!! LOL! It had some lines in it like, "Grandma never looked so good..." Very catchy!!

After about an hour and quite a range of songs, they put their instruments away and Hugh and I got back to my metal work. But, hearing Dan on that violin and all of them together was sure and unexpected...and delightful surprise!! Wow!

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