Thursday, October 2, 2008

My Baby Arrives Tonight!!

Randy will be getting to National about six o'clock this evening...let the festivities begin!! I'm sure he will scold me for calling him baby. But that's too's a mother's prerogative!! Randy will ALWAYS be my baby!!

I will have a busy day today...I have quite a task to get done before I leave the office tonight. Also I have a meeting on my calendar at the end of the day...good grief!! Although it's supposed to end by makes me nervous...because it's with my boss. So it could easily go a bit longer...and if so, I'll be in a bit of a pickle. I may just have to remind him...

Right now, I can predict that I'll be making a mad dash out the door to catch the metro home...drop off my computer, pick up my car and get to the airport. It will be another one of those hectic doubt. Then Randy and I will drive north...above Baltimore to get to the rehearsal. We have no time to spare!!

We will probably get back to the apartment pretty late. But I'm looking forward to walking in this door. I can't wait to see what Jazz does when he sees Randy. Will he remember him?

Jazz grew up on Randy's lap in front of the computer. Literally! While I was away at work, Jazz hung out with him and he slept with him at night. Then about six months later, Randy moved to Indiana and had to leave Jazzy Boy with me. At that point he finally became more of my cat...but prior to that it was Jazz and Randy. And, they haven't seen each other since. So it should be interesting. I wonder how much animals remember? I imagine he would have to remember Randy. So we will see.

All in all...I think Randy is more excited about seeing Jazzy Boy...than me!! Smile! But...regardless, I think I will hug him when I see him...and not let him go!!

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