Wednesday, October 29, 2008

So Much for Having Fun!

Got home tonight, pulled a frozen stuffed pepper out of the freezer and threw it in the oven. Didn't feel much like doing anything else for dinner. Just been sitting here, reading Facebook, putzing around. Not much of anything going on.

Just got a call from my folks, my family is getting together at Noyan's parents for Thanksgiving. They have reserved the clubhouse and everyone will bring a dish. That should make things easy for everyone. Not sure what I will bring...don't have any baking or cooking utensils at my apartment. Hm-m-m, I'll have to think of something creative!!!

In the mean time, it's just me and Jazzy Boy, killin' time and drinking wine!!! 'bout that? I can make a rhyme..any old time!!!!


Diana Lee said...

Yes, I've have to agree - you DO look sizzlin' in that pic! At least that's what one gal from the west coast thinks! Luv ya!

SUNSHINE said...

Hi Diana!!! How great to hear from you!!! We've got to catch up soon girl!! I LOVE YOU!!!!

Anonymous said...

Definitely!!! You are on my mind alot, and altho you are feeling a little blah right now, you are moving down the right path towards healing...... I felt like I didn't like being alone in my own home for a couple of years at least, and now, well now, it's my haven. Yours will be too my friend. Happy holidays to you and your whole family. Love your blog - I've got to take some time to do one myself!!!