Wednesday, May 28, 2008

One More Thing...

I'm so excited! I just got an e-mail from an old High School friend. I signed up the other day on my high school alumni page and sure enough an old girlfriend, Debbie Joyce, contacted me. I used to date her brother Bill in high school. Debbie lives in Belleville, Illinois and has a son living here in GA. So, who knows maybe I'll get to see her. And with any luck she will be going to the reunion this summer back home. I will be there too, so I hope to see a bunch of old friends.

I also got an e-mail from my dear friend Mary. She is a widow too. Her husband Fred and Kenny were roomates when we met at 19. It was quite a shock to us when Fred died suddenly four and a half years ago...and now Kenny has joined him. So Mary and I are widows together. How strange. We will always have a special connection because of two very special guys. And well, I just hope those guys are laughing and hooping it heaven. No doubt!!

Mary, just wrote a long note to me about all her escapades getting her bathroom remodeled. It's been a bit of a challenge. And then she told me a funny story about doing some car maintenance too. Yes...sorry to say...there are just some things that women are not cut out to do. Just as truly as there are others that men should steer clear from too! It's just the way it is... No, not a bra-burner here!!!! I like mine just fine thank you. And I also enjoy someone holding the door for me and telling me I'm beautiful. Yep, I've always been a girly girl!

I also just talked with my friend Marti. They are having a baby shower for her son and daughter in law. Unfortunately I won't be home in time to go, but I WILL be home when their baby is born!! Her son Graeme is Kyle's best of course Graeme feels just like one of my own. The baby's name is going to be Jack!! That was Kenny's favorite and he would have loved to have had a grandson named Jack. appropriate. Graeme probably doesn't even know that yet, but I will be sure to tell him when I see him next!

One more thing...I just got off the phone with Dan. He is meeting me next week in Seattle. I have to go there for training and Seattle is just a few hours from LA. So, I am flying out early on Saturday and Dan is meeting me there. We plan to go to Mt. Rainier on Sunday. I am so exited about it and so is Dan. He will stay with me until Wednesday and then he has to get back to work. It was supposed to be a slow spell for him in June, but work is now picking right back up. I suppose that's a good thing. Dan has worked on so many movies this year...I'm very proud of him. The next to be released is Incredible Hulk. How INCREDIBLE that Dan got to do the special effects for a character that was a big deal when he was a just little boy! The movie comes out June 13th. Go see it, and be sure to stay long enough to see my Dan's name scroll up through the movie credits!! Yeah! Let's just say...I'm a very PROUD Mom!! I've got three of the best sons any Mom could have.
Yes Alex, Life is Good!

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