Monday, May 12, 2008

A Rickey Ricardo Day

I walked in the door from work tonight calling, "Honey, I'm home!" With that Libby responded, "Oh darling, tell me about your day!" And then we busted out laughing!! We fell right into talking about our hectic days...her second...a hundred miles a minute. Until she paused and said, "Hey don't you want to change into something more comfortable, like shorts and slippers?" And yes, then we started laughing all over again...hysterically!!! I quickly ran upstairs to get out of my business attire so I could finally get my REAL day started.

Libby had told me earlier that she had a funny story to tell me when I got home from work...and yes, it sure was funny! Yesterday we had loaded her truck to the brim with an old gold sofa, a cheesy old dresser, a computer desk and a few other odds and ends. Her task for the day was to get rid of that the easiest way possible.

At first she headed to the E-Bay store then she decided that was going to be too much of a hassle. So instead she decided to go to the local women's shelter charity. On the way she nearly ran out of gas...had to stop and gas up, then as she rolled up the road, one of the dresser drawers bounced out of the truck. Luckily it hadn't hit another car, but it was not in a safe spot to stop and retrieve it, so she kept on going. She was able to off-load the sofa at the women's shelter and headed back home with the "sans" one dresser drawer.

Later, Libby set out again intent on getting rid of the rest of the junk from the back of her truck. When she stopped at a light, nearly an hour later, a very nice southern gentleman from the car beside her asked, "Say, did you lo-o-o-z-e a dresser drawer back thare?" He went on to say he had seen her dresser drawer on the side of the road. Oh yeah, what a story. So yes, she went back a few blocks, picked up the drawer and now the dresser is all put back together again. At any rate, we think we can now dump the dresser tomorrow and most likely a few other things. Where does Libby get her energy? Who knows!!

Jazz is doing pretty well. We brought him home this morning from the Vet and kept him in my bedroom all day today so he would not be too active. We wanted to keep him on the carpeted area; thought that would be better for his little kitty-cat paws. Didn't want him jumping off furniture onto the hardwood floors. All in all, he seems to be recovering quite well, thankfully! He is my dearest little baby darling!

After Libby and I exchanged our stories of the day, we launched into reaarranging my bedroom. Who knows why...but the mood just struck us both...and before you know it we were moving the bed, vacumming the carpet, moving the dresser and cedar chest...all of it. It looks pretty darn good and feels like a new room. It just needed a bit of a change.

Now as I am up here blogging, I think Libby is down there starting dinner. She stopped at that dinner-making store, called Just Dinner. She bought us a pre-made meal for tonight, because she knew she was going to be too busy to cook. Sounds like a fun and interesting place. She got the whole scoop on it today. You can go there on a Saturday and make 12 different meals...for a little financial fee. They have it all prepped and ready to go, all you have to do is show up. Sounds like they have a good group of people come there on Saturday mornings to cook. It also sounds like a place where I might meet some new fun friends. So...I am planning to try it out on a Saturday.

Well, I'm going to go downstairs now and join my dear little "Sista." We only have two more nights here together before my Libby goes home and I plan to make the best of it! Gotta grab the best of life while you can! Chow!

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