Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Busy Day Today

Got the door done. Sanded it and applied three coats of Spar Varnish. That should get it through the winter and then some...

I also finished caulking all the showers. Did some laundry, and staked up my "Little Shop of Horrors" plant. My Night Blooming Cerius that is...it's also known as Queen of the Night!! It's a member of the cactus family and it's a pretty ugly plant. But staking it up made it surprisingly attractive...well relatively so...for a Night Blooming Cerius... The flowers on this plant open only at night and they are awesomely beautiful...and fragrant. That's the only reason anyone hangs onto this gangly houseplant.

Staying up past midnight to see them bloom is certainly worth losing a little sleep over!!


Anonymous said...

They're beautiful!! Almost looks like a Christmas cactus. Definately worth staying up to watch it bloom. Didn't Dennis the Menace's Mr Wilson have a plant like that.

SUNSHINE said...

My goodness!! I think I remember that now! How funny!! This is a photo of my Mom's...and yes it's an amazing plant. They like the sand...probably would love Saudi Arabia. I'll give you a cutting next time you come over!!