Friday, September 26, 2008

My Oh My!!

It's good to be here. And how weird is that? I go from home to home...and each time it feels good to be home!! I stopped off at my apartment when I arrived to drop off my suitcase and Jazzy B was waiting for me! I sat for a while with him...he jumped on my lap and started purring like crazy...and put his paw on my face. He missed me! My darling cat!! I LOVE him!!! It was really hard for me to go to work this afternoon. I didn't want to leave him again. But finally I headed out the door and made my way to the office. Spent a few hours there catching up on things. Getting ready for the meeting on Monday.

On my way home I stopped and had was happy hour. And...I had a glass of wine and some food and met two guys who work at FAA. Next thing you know we were in deep discussion about the new air traffic management system we are installing over the next ten years. We got lost in conversation...and how nice! I didn't have to have dinner alone.

When I finally made it back to the apartment...Jazzy B was patiently waiting for me. He and I have spent a leisurely evening here in the apartment. It's a perfect Friday night...especially since I am SO tired!! Exhausted really!

I made a call to my friend Jackie (from high school). I hadn't talked with her in over a year...and she was so excited to hear from me. Weirdly enough, she and her entire family were here in Washington in July...and stayed about ten minutes away. Now that's frustrating. I haven't seen her parents and sister in a very long time and would have loved to see them!!! Her Mom and Dad will be in Ocean City in October, so I am hoping I can make a trip there to see her folks while they are here. They are retired and live near Jackie's sister in Arkansas.

Tomorrow is my metal apprenticeship with Hugh. I am excited to get back to my horse sculpture. Hopefully it will go pretty quickly and I'll have something to show soon.

I just talked with Kyle. We are coordinating last minute wedding plans. I can't believe the day is nearly here. I am so excited and so happy for them...and so proud. Kyle and Jessica are a perfect match. Much like me and Kenny were.

I can not wait to see my Danny and Randy. They will arrive Thursday and Friday this week. Randy has not seen Jazz in an entire year and Jazz is much bigger than he was when Randy left for Indiana. So...I can't wait for them to greet each other. It will be interesting to see if Jazz remembers Randy...but I'm guessing he will!!!

Life is Good!!!

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