Monday, September 22, 2008

Things are Moving Right Along

Got my tag sticker...finally! It was a bit of a hassle. I went to the DMV and found that my mail had been returned to them. It was in their "dead letter" box. I suppose not all my mail is being properly forwarded. At any rate, turns out I needed to do my car's emissions test before they could update my registration. So, I had to go all the way back home and get my car. I had driven Jen's.

The emissions test took about 40 minutes. I waited, and waited and waited. They are sure slow about things here. It never takes that long to get a car tested in Maryland!! Finally got 'er done, then headed back to the DMV for my sticker. All...the while watching my clock because I had to be back in time to meet with the builder about the ceiling leak.

I got home just in time...the builder and plumber were waiting out front for me. They had actually arrived a little early. But, thankfully they found the source of the leak right away. It was "no brainer." Turns out the shower drain had not been it just slipped down and allowed all that water to leak down into the wall. Crazy!! The former plumber was obviously the low bidder on the contract!!

They had to cut a hole in my family room ceiling to replace it. Now the drywall man and painter will be here tomorrow to continue with that part of the repairs. It should be finished in a couple days. Hopefully it will be good as new by Friday...

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