Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Could I Be More Tired?

"Finn" and I high-tailed it out of Baltimore as soon as we could break free after the meeting, and headed to Annapolis to Kenny's Mom's. I had to pick up my Jazzy B! We stopped on the way and had a was our reward for an exhausting, but successful two days! Then we made our way over to pick up the boy.

Kenny's Mom was excited to see us and unloaded her fridge on us two girls. We ate and talked and laughed about Jazz. She told us all about his antics while I was away and he seemed to be perfectly happy spending the two days at her house. Over dinner, Jazz was doing his best to grab our attention and kept coming up to me...and reaching out to touch me with his paw. Needless to say, he was happy I was back. After a little while we loaded up the car with all of Jazz's paraphenalia...including Jazz, tucked inside his shoulder-strapped carrier...and headed home. I needed to drop off Finn in DC on my way to Virginia and it was getting late.

It was raining pretty hard when we started our trip...which made it even more precarious to maneuver our way through the DC streets. My vision at night is not the best and add to that the slick, rainy streets and was just not good. I dropped off my friend at her home, just off South Dakota Avenue, and made my way down Bladensburg Road, to 395 South. Luckily I found my way just fine and was home lickety split.

I had to make two trips from the parking garage upstairs to my little apartment. One was with Jazz and his litter box, the next was with my suitcase and computer. Boy it felt good to finally be inside and lock my apartment door. Jazz is happy to be home too!

Tomorrow I have a follow up meeting from the two-day offsite. Me and a few of the Execs are getting together at eight AM to continue working on the Strat Plan. I have to get in there pretty early to print a few documents for the meeting. Phew! I am so-o-o tired. I'm sure I will crash on Friday!

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