Friday, July 25, 2008

God I Love Fred Astaire

A friend sent me the following dance clip. It's Fred Astaire and Eleanor Powell from 1940. It's amazing and it was filmed in ONE unedited camera shot. It takes me back to my teenage years when Mom and I would spend our Saturday afternoons watching old movies, like Mickey Rooney, Fred Astaire, Shirley Temple, and of course good ole' Tarzan.

We weren't totally killing the day. Often times we would get out the ironing board and iron a ton of clothes while we watched the movie. And here's how we did it. We had an old green 7-up bottle with an aluminum sprinkler head inserted in the neck. We filled that bottle with water and sprinkled each piece of clothing until it was just moist. Then we rolled them up tightly and put them in a big old plastic bag to so they wouldn't dry out until we got around to ironing them.

Those were the days! And heaven forbid we should REALLY relax on a Saturday and just watch a movie. In those days, relaxing was unheard of! But regardless, it sure was fun and seeing this old clip brought back some fond memories of days gone by. Of course, I would easily roll back the clock and do it all again. In a heart beat! Even the ironing part! Love you MOMMY!

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