Saturday, July 12, 2008

We Are In Our Apartment! Yeah!!!

Here I am sitting on my apartment floor with my bedpillows as my backrest. I'm using my suitcase as an end table and I'm drinking wine from a water glass! Life is Good! A Josh Groban CD is playing in my portable boombox and I just heated up some leftover steak and asparagus in the microwave...but alas I have no eating utensils. they say in my family: "Fingers were made before forks." Today my fingers will work just fine!!

Jazz is right here beside me and I think he has already adjusted. At least he has used his litter box and that's ALWAYS a good sign. I'm guessing he will be a little happier once we have some furniture and so will I. But at least this gives me a chance to look around the little place and decide just what I need. Not much...that's for sure. It's a little bitty apartment! The kitchen is "U" shaped with no room to spare and barely any cabinets. I guess that tells me not to stock up on much. Besides...I'd rather eat out anyway. At least for now.

Thre's plenty of light in this apartment...which I love. And I have a view of Crystal City. Didn't get the airport/Washington side of the building. They were charging quite a premium for those views and I besides I get to see the City every day. But they did install new carpeting and kitchen appliances before I moved in, so that's an added bonus!

I gather I won't actually be in the apartment too many hours of each week. In fact, the week after next, I'll be in Baltimore two nights for our strategic planning offsite. We will be staying in a Hyatt right at the Inner Harbor. I'm pretty psyched about it! The meeting is for our COO, our VPs and senior VPs and will be supported by a limited...very small number of support staff. I'm right in the midst of the planning and have a lot to do next week to get ready. I'm just getting up to speed with all the details and there's a lot of work and coordination to be done. But of course I thrive on the excitement.

My microwave is chirping that my "finger food" is ready. So, I will sign off for now. I may venture out and pick up a few things before it gets too late. I definitely need a shower curtain and a few things like that. And when I get back, I may even take a little cat nap! The fatique is really beginning to set in.


condadelite said...

Hey, Lucy! We are so happy to hear about your apartment and progress. Allen and I return from IN/MI tomorrow!! I will be in touch early this coming week! I haven't forgotten you, just out of town without a computer.

Take Care! Love, Conda

SUNSHINE said...

Hi Conda! I can't wait to hear about your vacation!! I'll bet it was a blast. More importantly...I can't wait until you come for a visit!

Talk with you soon, Love you! Lucy